Saturday 11 May 2013

Saffron Extract Select What Is It?

When we are overweight, we can find the thought of dieting and exercising just too much. Obesity is a growing problem- no pun intended and there are many dietary supplements which just do not appear to work. Saffron extract select on the other hand is gettting a lot of good reviews and saffron extract has also appeared and been examined on the Dr Oz show in the US and been found to help.

So what is saffron extract select? Well we are all familiar with saffron in our kitchens. Its a rather expensive spice which is used particularly in middle east recipes and it actually comes from the crocus plant , or rather a particular type of crocus which is grown specially for harvesting. The stamens which are the saffron pieces you are probably familiar with are picked by hand which is why they are so expensive although a little does go a long way.

Saffron has been thought to have some medicinal qualities and these have been examined over the last fiew years and it has been discovered that saffron extract or satireal saffron extract which is a particular extract from that same crocus plant may have a place for those people struggling with their weight.

Many people find dieting very difficult. They may start off quite well but after the first few days or couple of weeks, the impulse to snack between meals can become overwhelming. In fact many people dont even realise they are eating, believing that they are just picking and it wont really matter. The problem is that when you are hungry, you are more likely to reach for the high sugar high fat foods which pile on the weight.

Why is this? Why is it when we are trying to lose weight we find food that we might not even normally look at, particularly attractive? Sometimes weight gain can be the result of emotional issues. Having depression or a low mood can make us eat more. We have all heard of the phrase comfort eating, well this is what is it. Some scientists believe that this is the result of lowered levels of seretonin a chemical present in the brain. That chemical is responsible for our mood swings and indirectly may have an effect on our eating habits.

It is thought that eating junk food gives us that high which is associated with a seretonin boost and it can of course be addictive so weaning ourselves off it or avoiding it when we are trying to lose weight can mean that we are on a uphill battle to failure.

The exciting thing is that it is thought that saffron extract can increase the seretonin levels naturally with the knock on effect that our desire to snack and our cravings for food between healthy meals can be diminished or even avoided. Studies have shown this to be the case and the results were reproduced by Dr Oz when he invited two ladies to take the supplement over a weekend and both reported a weight loss and a reduction in hunger cravings whilst taking saffron extract. Saffron extract select reviews suggest that others are enjoying similar results.

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